issues in Ethics #6 Who is Wise?
This d’var torah is the first in as series of four which will follow a slightly different format than the first five, beginning with a question for discussion instead of a story. Please print it on two sides of a page, so that the first side has only the discussion question on it. Once that has been discussed, people can turn the page over and proceed with the remainder of the activity.
If you were approached by a Gallup pollster and asked whom you consider to be the best example of a wise person (living or dead), who would it be….and why?
The Mishnah Teaches
Ben Zoma was accustomed to say: Who is wise? One who learns from every person Pirke Avot 4:1 Discussion Questions
q Is there a person from whom you learned something when you least expected to do so? Please explain.
q Did it change your opinion of that person?
q Did you find yourself being more open to others as a result of this experience?
q In light of what the Mishnah teaches, would you give the same answer to the Gallup pollster? Why or why not? These materials have been prepared for your enrichment by the Orange County Board of Rabbis and the BUREAU OF JEWISH EDUCATION OF ORANGE COUNTY
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