Every year we look forward to our signature summer fundraising event, Sunday With a Scholar.Each occasion is filled with fun, entertainment, and community. Please enjoy these highlights!
On September 14, 2014 the Bureau held its signature summer fundraising event, Sunday With a Scholar. The event was filled with musical enrichment, phenomenal entertainment, and community. The most important message of all, however, came from the Bureau’s Student Leadership President, Sam Kole (see below).

Sam explained the importance of the Bureau’s programs in our Jewish community- that programs like TALIT, TIES, Young Philanthropy, and Advanced Camp Leadership are in most cases the only Jewish programming our high schoolers participate in. These programs instill strong Jewish identities that last throughout adulthood- however, each year we receive over $70,000 in scholarship requests and last year we were only able to fulfill $45,000 of our demand.

We NEVER want to have to turn another Jewish child away from participating in our programs and we are working tirelessly to make sure that we reach our scholarship demands this year. Because of our expanding programs, we anticipate over $100,000 in scholarship requests this year. We are coming to you as our partner and friend to stand with us as a community in making sure the needs of our children are being met.
Sunday With a Scholar was a smashing success for the Bureau, and we will be creating a Sunday With a Scholar Celebration Album to commemorate this meaningful event.
We ask that you please consider sponsoring our TALIT Nation Scholarship Fund by purchasing ad space in the Celebration Album. 100% of all proceeds from the album will go directly to the TALIT Nation Scholarship Fund. Ad spaces can be used to market your personal business, or to give a personal message of your choosing (examples available upon request). Sponsorship levels are as follows:
$250 – Business card
$1000 – ¼ Page
$2500 – ½ Page
$5000 – Full Page
$10,000 – Silver Full Page
$25,000 – Gold Full Page
Digital copies of the album will be sent to every guest of the event. Hard copies will be available for purchase, and will be given to album sponsors as a thank you for their impacting support.
In addition, our philanthropic partners, The Pacific Symphony Orchestra and Ron Levy Photography, have generously donated exciting prizes to raffle off to our donors- giving a gift of ANY denomination to theTALIT Nation Scholarship Fund will enter you in a raffle to win:
- A one hour photo shoot at your location of choice from Ron Levy Photography
- 2 sets of 2 Box Circle tickets (best seats in the house!) to a Pacific Symphony Orchestra performance. Includes an exclusive reception before and during the event and VIP treatment from the PSO staff
What’s more, everyone who makes a donation of any denomination to the TALIT Nation Scholarship Fund by Friday, October 4, 2015 will receive a copy of Richard Danielpour’s CD Toward a Season of Peace, signed by Danielpour’s conductor & Pacific Symphony Music Director, Maestro Carl St.Clair.
You have stood as an example in our Jewish community by supporting the Bureau of Jewish Education before- we thank you and ask you to please continue your support as we strive to ensure that we never fall short for our children’s scholarship demands again. Please fill out and return the TALIT Nation Scholarship Fund form, and support at the highest level that you are able.

Over 180 guests enjoyed champagne and hors d’oeuvres in the breathtaking home of Nevona & Itzhak Shabtai in Newport Beach. After a fun and leisurely social hour, guests made their way alongside the stunning poolsidefor the performance- an up close and personal experience with the Pacific Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Carl St.Clair.

Prior to the guests arrival, the Bureau held an exclusive meet and greet reception with Maestro Carl St.Clair and members of the Bureau of Jewish Education’s Carob Tree Society. Members of the Carob Tree Society are individuals or families that have committed to remembering the Bureau in their estate plan.
Before the performance began, the Bureau honored its past Board Chairs and Past CEO’s in celebration of the Bureau’s 36th “Double Chai” anniversary. The chairs and CEO’s were recognized for their decades of hard work and dedication to Orange County’s Jewish teens and youth.

The Bureau’s Vice Chair and Philanthropic Partnership Chair Seth Siegel, announced the new ongoing Philanthropic Partnership relationship being built with the Pacific Symphony Orchestra.
Then, John Forsyte, President of the Pacific Symphony Orchestra, took the stage to introduce Maestro Carl St.Clair and the chamber orchestra for their highly anticipated performance.

Below, please enjoy the highlights of 2013 Sunday With a Scholar- a memorable evening and “Double Chai” celebration for the Orange County Bureau of Jewish Education.
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Over 130 guests enjoyed champagne and hors d’oeuvres over stunning ocean views from the breathtaking home of Debbie and Jeff Margolis in Corona del Mar. After a fun and leisurely social hour, guests made their way inside for the performance. Before the show began, Blair Becker – a long time participant who is currently serving as secretary of the TALIT Leadership Board, shared her story of the Bureau’s impact on her life. Blair explained the many ways in which Bureau programs- TALIT, TIES, Young Philanthropy,Advanced Camp Leadership– helped connect her to the Jewish community. A student in a secular school, with only 5 active Jewish students, the Bureau has served as a safe haven for Blair to develop her Jewish identity and build relationships with other Jewish teens in Orange County.
Bureau CEO, David Lewis, recognized Aviva Forster in honor of 10 years of service as Dinner With a Scholar chair. The Bureau presented to Aviva a beautiful painting by Mordechai Rosenstein entitled, “Teach them Diligently,” signifying the learning she has inspired in over 1,800 Dinner With a Scholar participants, and the over 10,000 teens and youth it has supported. After honoring Aviva, the performance began. Frank Ferrante, who has played the legendary comedian Groucho Marx, in over 400 cities, had the audience in hysterics his entire performance. Joined by accompanist Ron Levy on piano, Ferrante recited many of the hallmark songs, anecdotes, and one-liners of Groucho. Ferrante delivered an impeccable impersonation of the Hollywood legend, including a hilarious share of improv and poking fun at the members of the audience.
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Among the many in attendance, distinguished guest Miriam Marx Allen, Groucho’s daughter, took the time to join in the fun to celebrate her father with the members of our community. Miriam’s presence was a very special treat, as she shared memories of her father and his experience as a Jew in the entertainment industry.
Sunday With a Scholar was a tremendous success for the Orange County Bureau of Jewish Education and the Jewish teens and youth we serve. We far exceeded our fundraising goals and provided a fun and engaging afternoon of learning for our Bureau supporters. A special thank you to Debbie & Jeff Margolis, who not only opened their home to us, but filled it with warmth and menschlichkeit.
For those of you who joined us at the event, thank you for your partnership. We could not have reached this remarkable accomplishment without you. For those who were unable to attend Sunday With a Scholar this year, we hope that you can join us for future events and engage in this fun, community-wide effort to support our
Jewish teens and youth.
* = Photos courtesy of Mark Berman