You can Ensure a Jewish Tomorrow!
The Bureau of Jewish Education has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation of Orange County, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, and 9 other OC Jewish institutions to ensure a thriving future for our
Orange County Jewish community.
Create a Jewish Legacy invites supporters of our Jewish community- people from all economic levels and all walks of life- to come together in signing the Endowment Book of Life. By signing the Endowment Book of Life, you are committing to leaving a percentage of your estate to the Orange County Jewish Community. Whether you leave 1%, 10%, or more, your support will be planting a seed that will provide life-changing Jewish experiences for your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and beyond.
For more information about how you can join the Bureau's Carob Tree Society and remember our Jewish community in your legacy, please contact Heather Zemmol at (949) 435-3450 or [email protected]
Click here to download the Letter of Intent to join the Carob Tree Society
Our deepest thanks to our valued members of the Carob Tree Society:
Sharon & Mark Berman
Eileen & Henry Cohen
Aviva & Fred Forster
Susan Glass
Rose & Hal Kravitz
Rabbi Leah & David Lewis
Jada Robitaille
Michelle G. Sholkoff
Yasuko & Seth Siegel